Chapter 7 with Justin Chu
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.”
Today we will be featuring Justin Chu from our English congregation. Justin is part of the Salt Shakers Fellowship and serves at Newbern in many behind the scenes roles especially in audio visual over the years. Today in our feature we will share another side of Justin to our church community in hopes to promote healthy living so that our church members can continue to have good active health to carry out God's work in 2021. Making sure we are in good shape mentally and physically is key when we are serving God. Most Christians today are very busy with work, family and ministry, but we should find time to rest/self-care, so when God needs us we are ready!
Justin graduated from university last year and is currently working at a local physiotherapy clinic pursuing a career in sports, injury and occupational rehabilitation. He aspires to broaden his scope to encompass ergonomics, physiotherapy and massage therapy. With Covid many people are working from home more and sitting for long hours, so Justin with his knowledge in active health/training will share with us some exercises he does at home that is good for excessive sitting.
Justin wants to share a program that should benefit people who sit down a lot. He has split the program into three levels with level 1 being the easiest and safe for elders or people with balance issues and level 3 being the hardest for more athletic people. Having said that, they are all essentially still the same program as the exercises only differs in the number of complex movements in them. All exercises should be practiced carefully, performed on a solid, flat surface (with the exception of one) but if need be, the ones that require the person to be on the floor can be done on a bed. (Disclaimer: please proceed with the program carefully, if you have health issues or any concerns you should talk to your doctor first before doing the program here). As followers of Christ, it is essential for us to take good care of our bodies in order for us to carry out God's work. Thank you for reading our feature today and we hope everyone is continuing to do well during the pandemic. Stay safe and take care!
Justin ( 朱啟謙)他在英文崇拜部和團契中殷勤學習神的道,愛神和領受靈糧後加強他的動力去事奉神,他一直默默堅守着幕後影音上的職份。與此同時,他也關愛弟兄姊妹,知道大家在工作、家庭和教會事工上忙碌交接着,他期盼用自己學術上的知識,去挺起大家下垂的手和發酸的腿,振發精神,彼此在主裏同心同意奮起前行。
Exercises for Excessive Sitting
Justin has split the exercises into three levels, with level 1 being the easiest and safest for elders or people with balance issues, and level 3 being the hardest for slightly more athletic people. Having said that, they are all essentially still the same program as the exercises only differs in the number of complex movements in them. All exercises should be performed on a solid, flat surface (with the exception of one) but if need be, the ones that require the person to be on the floor can be done on a bed)
March 19, 2021