Setting up a new Interac e-transfer recipient**
Log in to your online bank account and look for “Interac e-transfer”
Create a new recipient/contact and use the Newbern email address
Add an appropriate name that is easy to remember, for example “Newbern Church”
Once you have added Newbern as one of your recipients, the donation will be automatically deposited into Newbern’s bank account. has automatic deposit setup, so no security question is required
** Depending on your bank, there might be a service fee (~$1.00) for each transfer.
Making a donation
When you make a donation, please enter the following information into the message box:
Your first and last name
Assigned offering number (to help the Church to properly post the donation to the correct account, whoever is making the donation must obtain an offering number from the church secretary)
Indicate the total amount of your donation
Indicate how you are allocating your donation. The available categories are: General, Missions, Building, Thanksgiving. You can allocate your donations to multiple categories but you will have to specify how much is designated for each one
Here is an example:
John Doe
Total: $500.00
General – $300
Missions – $150
Thanksgiving – $50
Click the Donate button below and follow these steps:
Enter the offering amount.
Choose to pay with a credit card or with a PayPal account.
Click “Write a note (optional)” and include the following information:
Your offering number
Which fund(s) you want your offering to go towards (e.g. General Fund, Mission, or Thanksgiving. If unspecified, the donation will go towards the General Fund)
Complete credit card info, billing info and email address.
Press Donate.
You will see Donation Success, and the transaction receipt will be emailed to you.