Prayer Requests
Prayer Guide
Here you can find our monthly prayer items. Please read over and pray over these items. One way to start is by praying the Lord’s Prayer.
Let us know if you have any prayer requests
Prayer and Praise Items
Last updated June 2023
Pray as a community:
- Pray together with thoughts from the Shepherd’s Psalm:
● May we trust the Lord to shepherd/direct our every thought/decision/action
● May we follow His direction to rest when He wants to rest
● May we follow Him as he leads us to be still and know that He is LORD
● May we know the right path forward by heeding His Word and direction
● May we rejoice and praise Him for being our guide as well as our protector
● May we more fully comprehend the position of responsibility and blessing he has given us
● May we know beyond any doubt that we have an eternal home with Him and may this knowledge help alleviate some of the suffering and concerns of our life
- 1st Sunday: Praise God for being our shepherd and providing all we need (Psalms 23:1-3)
- 2nd Sunday: Praise God for being with us when there’s illness and suffering in our lives (Psalms 23:4)
- 3rd Sunday: Praise God for being greater than any opposition we face (Psalms 23:5)
- 4th Sunday: Praise God for being with us always - now and forever (Psalms 23:6)
Pray for our leadership
- Pray for God to continue to renew our pastors: Marcus, Arthur, Monique, Zion, Andrew, Karen, Ralph, and Isaac
- Pray for the Elders Board: Pastor Marcus, Ivy Yau, Kenny Kan, Alan Yu, Kendra Lai and Horn Lam.
- Pray for the 2023 EMC: Ivy Yau, Kendra Lai, Lucas Fai, and Nicky Yuen.
- Pray for the English Pastoral Search Committee as they search for a permanent pastor. Pray that the committee and any potential candidates will sense a clear calling from God.
- Pray for Jasmine Ho, our interim Admin Assistant.
Pray for our ministries
- Pray for a replacement for CM & Youth pastor as Ps Monique leaves us the end of the month
- Pray for more volunteers to help with the children
- Pray for God’s guidance for how CM will operate after June
- Pray for God to inspire our missions and missionary efforts during the JMC in June
- Pray for our Missions Dept as we start planning for 2023’s STM trips, especially our December
Panama STM trip
- Pray for the establishment of programs to be offered through Newbern Academy and for people in the neighbourhood to respond to them
Pray for our members
- Give praise and thanks for those who have recovered from various illnesses
- Pray God’s blessing on Pastor Karen as she completes her mission in Panama (end of July) and transitions from being an International Worker to being on a CCACA Mission Team (MAT) in Surinam from October through December.
- Pray for our children and students
- Pray for Emily Chu as she continues treatment for her cancer. Pray for the medication to be effective and for the peace of God to comfort her and her family as they battle together.
- Pray for our brothers and sisters who continue to have poor health. Pray for God’s comfort and healing touch on their bodies and minds and for a remedy for Danny’s back pain.
- Pray for God to heal Desmond’s short-term memory loss.
- Ask Ps Marcus or an elder for specific members and their needs.
- Pray for the newly baptised and those who are newly attending Newbern
- Pray for the Lord to bring more people who are struggling with their faith to us so we can pray for them and encourage them
Pray for our world
- Pray for people around the world who are suffering from unjust persecution, that the peace and presence of the Holy Spirit will draw them to Jesus.
- Pray for the Russian/Ukraine conflict as countless people are in extreme distress. Pray that the Spirit will be with the nations to de-escalate the conflict and work out peaceful solutions.
- Pray for Taiwan and Hong Kong, with the increasing tensions and political pressures they face. Pray especially for religious freedoms and unity within the churches.
- Pray for the homeless in our city.
- Pray for the work of reconciliation between later settlers and the Indigenous communities, especially the survivors of residential schools where they may have been mistreated.