Our Team
Rev. Marcus Tso, PhD
Senior and Interim English Pastor
Pastor Marcus came from Hong Kong in his early teens, and soon became a Christian through the ministry of Newbern. After working as a mechanical engineer for 7 years, he enrolled at Regent College in response to God’s call to prepare for full-time ministry. Later, he served as the English-speaking pastor in South Vancouver Pacific Grace MB Church, and was eventually ordained in the C&MA. Pastor Marcus got his PhD in Biblical Studies (Dead Sea Scrolls) at the University of Manchester, and has taught courses on the Bible, ethics, and theology at various theological institutions. Pastor Marcus enjoys singing, taking walks, and building scale models. He and his wife Daphne currently reside in Burnaby.
Rev. Arthur Mak
Pastor of Cantonese Ministry
Pastor Arthur was born and raised in Hong Kong. Having accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour in elementary school, he began attending church in middle school, and was baptized in 1996 in Hong Kong’s Sterling Light Alliance Church. Pastor Arthur married Cindy in 2003. After that he graduated from Hong Kong’s Alliance Bible Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree in 2009, and a Master of Theology degree in 2010. From 2009 to 2015, he served at the Wah Kee Alliance Church in Hong Kong, and immigrated to Canada in 2015 to serve at the Winnipeg Chinese MB Church. Pastor Arthur moved to Vancouver in 2017 to serve in Newbern, where he was ordained in 2019.
Rev. Zion Wu, DMus
Pastor of Worship and Senior Care
Pastor Zion’s greatest desire is to serve God with all her gifts and to live her life glorifying God and furthering God’s Kingdom. Born in Hong Kong, she graduated from ACTS Seminary (Trinity Western University, Langley), Eastman School of Music (University of Rochester, New York), and Indiana University, with the degrees Master of Arts in Christian Studies, Master of Music, and Doctor of Music, majoring in Organ & Church Music. A winner and finalist of several competitions, as well as an experienced performer and church musician, she has performed locally, throughout North America, as well as in Hong Kong. Her own performance CD “Beautiful” features works of piano and pipe organ, as well as her improvisations, arrangements of hymn tunes, and her own music compositions. In addition to giving workshops and training in churches, she was the conductor of Burnaby Pacific Grace Church Choir, which released a choral CD “With All Our Hearts” under her direction.
An ordained pastor of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, Pastor Zion has served extensively in pastoral ministry, including being the Music Pastor and Assistant Congregational Pastor at Vancouver Chinese Alliance Church. At Newbern, she serves as the Pastor of Worship & Senior Care. In addition, she is an adjunct professor of Canadian Chinese School of Theology Vancouver, where she also directs the school’s choir.
Pastor Andrew Luk
Volunteer Pastor of Cantonese Minisitry
Pastor Andrew was born in Hong Kong, baptized in the EFCC Woot Chuen Church in 1996, and married in 2003. He quit work in 2006 to devote his time to care for his son, who was diagnosed with Treacher Collins syndrome. In 2015, he was called to study theology at the China Graduate School of Theology, and received his MDiv there. In 2018, Pastor Andrew began serving full-time at the C&MA Causeway Bay Church, responsible for children, couples, and men's ministries. In 2022, he left the church and enrolled in the DMin program at the Canadian Chinese School of Theology in Vancouver. Pastor Andrew and his family have often experienced God's grace and provision, learning the lessons of humility, trust, and obedience, and hoping to bear witness to the grace of the Lord with their lives. Pastor Andrew and his wife's motto and favorite Bible verse is Philippians 2:4, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."
Jasmine Ho
Administrative Assistant
Elders Board
Ex officio Chairperson Rev. Marcus Tso
Vice-Chairperson, Cantonese Ministry Kenny Kan
Treasurer, Joint Ministry Roger Hiew
Secretary, English Ministry Jessica Yuen
IT, Website & Social Media, Joint Ministry Horn Lam
Children, Youth, English Ministry Sheldon Tso
English Ministry Committee
Pastors Rev. Marcus Tso
Elder Board Rep Sheldon Tso
Worship Ashley Kwan
Fellowships & Small Groups Lucas Fai
At-Large Nicky Yuen, Jezebel Chu, Jasmine Ho, Samuel Tso