English Announcements - May 21, 2023
1. Please join us from 11:00-11:35 for this morning’s Facilitated Discussion about being emotionally healthy led by Ps Ralph.
2. To sign up for Summer Camp 2023 (July 7-9), please take a registration form from the foyer, fill it out and hand it in to Eva by June 11. Registration fees are $175 for youths and adults, and $155 for children aged 3-10. Only cash and cheque are accepted. There is an early-bird discount of $20 per person if you register before the end of today, May 21. Look forward to seeing you all at camp!
3. Pray for the kids and youth as they are in the basement wrapping up their last Mission: Deep Sea session! Their Big Idea for today is "My Faith Grows Deeper When I Share My Story." Be sure to ask them about it and please share your story of salvation with them when you see them today!
4. Rainbow Garden will be having a family outing for the children and their families to enjoy and explore nature on May 22 (Monday) from 10am - 2:30pm at Cypress Falls Park, West Vancouver. For more details and to register, please use the google forms link posted on WhatsApp or the QR code on this bulletin. Deadline to register is today, May 21. If you have further questions, please contact Elder Alan.
5. The 2023 Joint Missions Convention will be held on July 28-30 at Evangelical Chinese Bible Church. Details are being shared on WhatsApp and our Facebook pages. Deadline for registration is July 1.
6. The church office will be closed on Tuesday, May 23 in lieu of Victoria Day holiday.
7. Ps Marcus will be away from office on May 25-29. For anything urgent, please contact Elder Ivy or Elder Kendra.
8. Ps Monique's term as our Pastor of Children's Ministry will be concluding on June 30, 2023. She has been called by Capstan/Revive as their Pastor of English Youth Ministries, and will join Ps Joe there before the Fall. We are very grateful for her ministry among us for the last school year, and will always remember her and her family fondly. May God bless and use them as a team to serve God for His glory in their new church!
9. Brother Patrick Lee passed away last week. His funeral service will be held in Calgary, Chapel of the Bells on Saturday, May 27, at 10 am local time.
10. April Offering Record - Please verify your offering record that has been posted on WhatsApp and contact Elder Alan Yu for any questions.
English Announcements - May14, 2023
1. Please join us from 11:00-11:35 for this morning’s Facilitated Discussion about healthy relationships led by Ps Ralph.
2. On May 19-21 Newbern Kids Ministry is on a Mission: Deep Sea as we explore how our faith grows deeper when we spend time with God, spend time with others, and share our stories of faith! Registration confirmed upon payment. Contact Ps. Monique for any questions or volunteer opportunities! Registration Deadline: Today
Kids(Gr. 1 - Gr. 4) $10. Youth Sleepover (Gr. 5 - Gr.8) $15.
Payment via e transfer or cash, include the following note: MAY VBS FEE for (children's names)
3. Summer Camp 2023 will be held in-person at Summit Pacific College on July 7-9. This year’s theme is “God Cares about Your Work!” featuring Dr. Wilson Chan as our main speaker. Dr. Chan is an adjunct professor at Carey Theological College, Bakke Graduate University, ACTS Seminary, and Alliance Bible Seminary (Hong Kong), specializing in marketplace theology and spirituality. There is a registration fee of $175 for youths and adults, and $155 for children aged 3-10, only cash and cheque are accepted. Please take a registration form from the foyer, fill it out and hand it in to Eva by June 11. We encourage everyone to sign up early as there is an early-bird discount of $20 per person if you register before May 21. Look forward to seeing you all at camp!
4. Rainbow Garden will be having a family outing for the children and their families to enjoy and explore nature on May 22 (Monday) from 10am - 2:30pm at Cypress Falls Park, West Vancouver. For more details and to register, please use the google forms link posted on WhatsApp or the QR code on the back of this bulletin. Deadline to register is next Sunday, May 21. If you have further questions, please contact Elder Alan.
5. To celebrate Mother's Day, Focus Fellowship has prepared some gifts with our kids. The church has also prepared a small gift for Mother's Day. Would each woman please pick up one of each from the foyer after service? A special blessing to you all today!
6. The 2023 Joint Missions Convention will be held on July 28-30 at Evangelical Chinese Bible Church. Details are being shared on WhatsApp and our Facebook pages. Deadline for registration is July 1.
English Announcements - May7, 2023
1. Please join us from 11:00-11:35 for this morning’s Facilitated Discussion about being spiritually healthy led by Ps Ralph.
2. On May 19-21 Newbern Kids Ministry is on a Mission: Deep Sea as we explore how our faith grows deeper when we spend time with God, spend time with others, and share our stories of faith! Registration confirmed upon payment. Contact Ps. Monique for any questions or volunteer opportunities!
Kids(Gr. 1 - Gr. 4) $10. Youth Sleepover (Gr. 5 - Gr.8) $15.
Payment via e transfer or cash, include the following note: MAY VBS FEE for (children's names)
Registration Deadline: May 14
3. Summer Camp 2023 will be held in-person at Summit Pacific College on July 7-9. This year’s theme is “God Cares about Your Work!” featuring Dr. Wilson Chan as our main speaker. Dr. Chan is an adjunct professor at Carey Theological College, Bakke Graduate University, ACTS Seminary, and Alliance Bible Seminary (Hong Kong), specializing in marketplace theology and spirituality. There is a registration fee of $175 for youths and adults, and $155 for children aged 3-10, only cash and cheque are accepted. Please take a registration form from the foyer, fill it out and hand it in to Eva by June 11. We encourage everyone to sign up early as there is an early-bird discount of $20 per person if you register before May 21. Look forward to seeing you all at camp!
4. Rainbow Garden Ministry: In response to the thanksgiving message written by the kids recently, we have a gift presentation after the Chinese Worship at around 12:15pm on May 7 at the church garden. Parents of all Children Sunday Worship are invited and we would like to invite all brothers and sister to attend and support this ministry. In addition, we are having a "family outing day" for the children and their families to enjoy and explore nature.
Place: Cypress Falls Park, West Vancouver
Date/Time: 22 May (Monday) 10AM - 2:30PM
To register or to find out more about this outing please contact Hilda.
5. Next Saturday (May 13) will be a joint Mother’s Day craft night between the Kids Ministry and Focus Fellowship! Parents are free to drop off their kids at 7pm and arrive for pickup at 8:30pm at the church basement. For parents with children Grade 1 and below, please come stay with your kids and enjoy some crafting time together!
English Announcements - Apr 30, 2023
1. Mission Profiles presentation.
2. Welcome – A hearty welcome to our guest speaker Ps Jonathan Michael! Thank you, Ps Jonathan, for sharing God’s word with us today!
3. Please join us from 11:00-11:35 for this morning’s Facilitated Discussion about being healthy led by Edwin.
4. Mission: Deep Sea - Join us May 19th-21st for a fun-filled weekend as we explore how our faith grows deeper when we spend time with God, spend time with others, use our gifts to serve, and share our stories of faith! Register using the poster QR code or the registration link. Registration is confirmed upon payment. Please contact Ps Monique for any assistance or details.
Kids(Gr. 1 - Gr. 4) $10
Youth Sleepover (Gr. 5 - Gr.8) $15.
Payment via e transfer or cash, include the following note: MAY VBS FEE for (children's names)
5. Summer Camp 2023 will be held in-person at Summit Pacific College on July 7-9. This year’s theme is “God Cares about Your Work!” featuring Dr. Wilson Chan as our main speaker. Dr. Chan is an adjunct professor at Carey Theological College, Bakke Graduate University, ACTS Seminary, and Alliance Bible Seminary (Hong Kong), specializing in marketplace theology and spirituality. There is a registration fee of $175 for youths and adults, and $155 for children aged 3-10, only cash and cheque are accepted. Please take a registration form from the foyer, fill it out and hand it in to Eva by June 11. We encourage everyone to sign up early as there is an early-bird discount of $20 per person if you register before May 21. Look forward to seeing you all at camp!
6. Rainbow Garden Ministry: In response to the thanksgiving message written by the kids recently, we have a gift presentation after the Chinese Worship at around 12:15pm on May 7 at the church garden. Parents of all Children Sunday Worship are invited and we would like to invite all brothers and sister to attend and support this ministry.
7. Pastoral News – Ps Marcus will be on vacation from May 4th to May 10th. Please contact Ps Ralph, Ivy or Kendra for anything urgent.