Announcements - August 7, 2022
1. Church Cleaning – This coming Saturday, August 13, 9:30am–3:00pm. Please come and join us in cleaning our church and church chairs. Bring your own masks, cleaning gloves and cloths; Lunch will be provided; for more detail, please contact Daniel.
2. Rainbow Garden Paint Day - All Sunday school kids are invited to paint the planters on Sunday, August 21, from 10:00 to 12:15, weather permitting. Parents and Sunday school leaders are more than welcome to join. Please wear clothes that you don’t mind getting paint on or bring an apron to cover up.
3. Staff News - Serena has resigned from her position as Part-Time Administrative Assistant. Her last day here will be August 19. We thank God for her faithful and effective service in Newbern since January, 2021. May God bless her path forward.
Board of Elders Meeting Highlights for July
a. The Board of Elders has decided to keep the following four additional measures through the month of August on top of our stage 5 guidelines:
i. Suspend snacks in Children Sunday School
ii. Ask children activities to be held outdoors as much as possible
iii. Suspend coffee and fellowship time
iv. Renew encouragement to wear masks, clean hands, and maintain physical distance
b. The Board of Elders has adopted the new church theme for 2023-2024: “Like a tree planted by streams of water”
c. The Board of Elders discussed the pros and cons of allowing Diabetes Canada to place a donation box on Newbern’s property. The Board invites all members to express their views to any of the Elders or Pastors, whether in support or in opposition.
Announcements - July 31,2022
1. Church Summer BBQ/Outing - Our church BBQ/outing will be taking place on this coming Saturday August 6th at Surrey Bend Regional Park, from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM. The cost is $15 for adults, $12 for children ages 5-12, and free for children under 5. Please contact Sunny or Sheldon Tso to register by today! If you pay by e-transfer, please e-transfer to the church with a note saying it’s for the BBQ and then message Sunny after to let him know you’ve paid. Make sure to join us for a day of games, prizes, food, and more!
2. The pastoral staff – will be off and the church office will be closed on Tuesday in lieu of BC Day.
3. Church Cleaning – Saturday, August 13, 9:30am–3:00pm. Please come and join us in cleaning our church and church chairs. Bring your own masks, cleaning gloves and cloths; Lunch will be provided; for more detail, please contact Daniel.
4. June Offering Record - The offering record is posted at WhatsApp Group. Please verify your offering record. If there are questions, please contact Elder Alan Yu.
5. Rainbow Garden Paint Day -All Sunday school kids are invited to paint the planters on Sunday, August 21, from 10:00 to 12:15, weather permitting. Parents and Sunday school leaders are more than welcome to join. Please wear clothes that you don’t mind getting paint on or bring an apron to cover up.
Board of Elders Meeting Highlights for July
a. The Board of Elders has decided to keep the following four additional measures through the month of August on top of our stage 5 guidelines:
i. Suspend snacks in Children Sunday School
ii. Ask children activities to be held outdoors as much a possible
iii. Suspend coffee and fellowship time
iv. Renew encouragement to wear masks, clean hands, and
maintain physical distance
b. The Board of Elders has adopted the new church theme for 2023-2024: “Like a tree planted by streams of water”
c. The Board of Elders discussed the pros and cons of allowing Diabetes Canada to place a donation box on Newbern’s property. The Board invites all members to express their views to any of the Elders or Pastors, whether in support or in opposition.
Announcements - July 24, 2022
1. Welcome - A hearty welcome to our guest speaker Rev. Alfred Chui! Thank you, Rev. Alfred Chui, for sharing God's Word with us today!
2. Staff News - Serena will be off from July 27-August 2. For urgent matter during this period, please contact Susanna Wong.
3. The AIA Children Sports Camp will be taking place this Monday to Friday. Please pray for good weather, the children, the coaches and volunteers, that God will work in and through them to bring everyone involved closer to Christ and each other.
4. Church Summer BBQ/Outing - Our church BBQ/outing will be taking place on Saturday August 6th at Surrey Bend Regional Park. The event will be from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM. The cost is $15 for adults, $12 for children ages 5-12, and free for children under 5. Please contact Sunny or Sheldon Tso to register by next Sunday! Make sure to join us for a day of games, prizes, food, and more!
5. June Offering Record - The offering record is posted at WhatsApp Group. Please verify your offering record. If there are questions, please contact Elder Alan Yu.
Announcements - July 17, 2022
1. Welcome - A hearty welcome to our guest speaker Rev. Dr. Jonathan Wilson! Thank you, Rev. Dr. Jonathan Wilson, for sharing God's Word with us today!
2. In view of the recent rise in COVID hospitalization in BC and the uptick in case counts among our own people, the Board of Elders implements the following ad hoc measures:
a. Suspend snacks in Children Sunday School
b. Ask children activities to be held outdoors as much as possible
c. Suspend coffee and fellowship time
d. Renew encouragement to wear masks, clean hands, and maintain physical distance
3. Children Sports Camp - will be held at Riverway Sports Complex on July 25 - 29, from 9 to 3. The camp is for kids ages 5-12 and the cost is $150 per child, if financial support is needed, please reach out to Pastor Marcus. Registration is now live through the AIA link:
4. Church Summer BBQ/Outing - Our church BBQ/outing will be taking place on Saturday August 6th at Surrey Bend Regional Park. The event will be from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM. The cost is $15 for adults, $12 for children ages 5-12, and free for children under 5. Please contact Sunny or Sheldon Tso to register! Make sure to join us for a day of games, prizes, food, and more!