Announcements - February 27, 2022
1. Welcome - A hearty welcome to our guest speaker Rev. Joe Chan! Please pray for him and his family as they serve the Lord and His people. Thank you, Rev. Joe Chan, for sharing God's Word with us today!
2. Lent - Lent begins on March 2 to April 14! We encourage you to consider fasting this year for 40 days from March to Easter. You can fast individually or with a group of friends! More details to come in the next week.
Announcements from The Elders Board
a. The process for the election of the 2023-2024 Elders begins today. Details for the procedure was posted on WhatsApp last week. The active members list and nomination forms for the nominating committee are being distributed this weekend. The first step is to nominate eligible members to serve as membership representatives on the Nominating Committee. Nomination forms must be given to Pastor Marcus Tso by March 13. Candidates must be nominated by two church members with joint signatures, and the approval and signature of the Candidate.
b. The resumption of in-person gatherings began in two stages on yesterday with up to 10 people in each meeting space, and up to 60 people starting March 13. Details have been posted on WhatsApp and the church website.
c. A Farewell Gathering for Pastor Nathan and Christy will be held at church on March 27, 12:30 pm.
d. The AGM will be held in the English Sanctuary on March 27, at 2:00 pm.