Announcements - April 3, 2022

1.       Lent - Lent is taking place from March 2 to April 14! We encourage you to consider fasting this year. If there are any prayer or support requests, contact Ps Nathan or Ps Marcus.

2.      Easter Special Events - On April 15, there will be a Good Friday Hike at Deer Lake from 10:00 am to around noon. Details and registration to come. On April 17, there will be a special Joint Service at 11:00 am to celebrate Easter. There will also be a baptism, baby dedication, membership transfer, and communion during the service, which may end around 12:30.

3.      Children Sunday school - We are excited to announce the resumption of Children Sunday school after a 2-year stoppage due to the global pandemic. Beginning on April 24th from 9:30 to 12:30, there will be Children Sunday school for kids 5 to 12 years of age. Please register your kids with Sunny Tso by text or WhatsApp.

4.      Rainbow Garden - Also on Sunday April 24th, there will be the launch of a new ministry called "Rainbow Garden". So, we invite you all, and especially parents to bring your kids to attend the event at 12:30 at which time we will have drawing contest award ceremony, planting ceremony, and lunch available. Please register with Serena for lunch and contact Ps. Arthur for any other questions.

5.      The church is also working hard on an outreach ministry for New Immigrant to Canada, especially for families from HK. Right now, we are asking church members to help with transportation for a family of 5 residing in Richmond who needs to attend church on Sundays. If you can help, please contact Ps. Arthur for more information.

Announcements from The Elders Board

a. Election of the 2023-2024 Board of Elders - The Nominating Committee will consist of Pastor Marcus, Elder Kenny, Elder Ivy Yau, Richard Lai and Joyce Yue. Please pray fervently for the church, that God would raise up more people to serve him faithfully.

b. Thank God!  Gabriel Chan has applied for membership transfer. According to Newbern’s bylaws, each applicant needs to have attended our Sunday worship services for 26 weeks and pass the church review. If no one objects within this week, Gabriel will become an official member of our church.

c. The Board of Elders has decided to hire a summer intern regardless of government funding. Hiring process to begin ASAP.

d. The Sunday Worship Services during this year's Summer Camp will be live streamed instead of having separate services at church that Sunday. Other Summer Camp events will not be online.


Announcements - April 10, 2022


Announcements - March 27, 2022