Announcements - April 10, 2022
1. LENT - Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week, which means Lent is ending this Thursday, April 14. As always, you are invited to send your prayer or support requests to Pastor Joe or Pastor Marcus. We’d love to pray with you and for you.
2. Easter Special Events - The details for the Good Friday Hike at Deer have been posted on WhatsApp. Please register with your fellowship leaders or directly using the online registration form before Wednesday. The Easter Joint Service next Sunday will begin at 11:00 am. There will also be a baptism/communion (Jasmine Ho), baby dedication (Alina Yu, Chloe Emma Luk), and membership transfer (Gabriel Chan, Emmanuel Tsui, Catherine Ng) during the service, which may end around 12:30.
3. The District Gathering on April 23 will be postponed until there is a steady improvement with COVID-19 pandemic and where appropriate venues are available. Stay tuned for the updates and please contact Elder Kenny for further inquiry or suggestion.
4. Children Sunday school - We are excited to announce the resumption of Children Sunday school after a 2-year stoppage. Beginning on April 24th from 9:30 to 12:30, there will be Children Sunday school for kids 5 to 12 years of age. Please register your kids with Sunny Tso by text or WhatsApp.
5. Rainbow Garden - Also on Sunday April 24th, there will be the launch of a new ministry called "Rainbow Garden". So, we invite you all, and especially parents to bring your kids to attend the event at 12:30 at which time we will have drawing contest award ceremony, planting ceremony, and lunch available. Please register with Serena for lunch and contact Pastor Arthur for any other questions.
6. Outreach Ministry - The church is also working hard on an outreach ministry for New Immigrant to Canada, especially for families from HK. Right now, we are asking church members to help with transportation for families residing in Richmond who wish to attend church on Sundays. If you can help, please contact Pastor Arthur for more information.
7. Summer Intern Position - Anyone between the age of 15-30 who is interested in applying for the summer intern position (mainly for the Summer Camp and children ministry) may contact Pastor Marcus for more details. Deadline for application is April 30.