Joint & English Announcements - Apr 9, 2023
Joint Announcements:
1. Save the Date! On May Long Weekend (May 19-21) Newbern KidsMin is having a weekend VBS! Join us for a fun filled time as we go on a Mission: Deep Sea. Stay tuned for more details about our joint adventure with The Rainbow Garden and a youth sleep over! Contact Ps. Monique for more details and volunteer opportunities.
2. We are incredibly excited to be partnering with Regent College in starting up our new ministry – Newbern Academy! As a part of the promotional process, Sheldon will be leading a team of volunteers today (April 9) after church to pass out some fliers in the neighbourhood and get a general survey of interest in our area. A delicious pizza lunch will also be provided for volunteers. Please join us as we attempt to reach out to our neighbours! For more questions, please contact Sheldon.