English Announcements - May 28, 2023

1.     Mission Profile Presentation.

2.    Please join us from 11:00-11:35 for this morning’s Facilitated Discussion about emotional health (part 2) led by Ps Ralph.

3.    To sign up for Summer Camp 2023 (July 7-9), please take a registration form from the foyer, fill it out and hand it in to Eva by June 11. Registration fees are $175 for youths and adults, and $155 for children aged 3-10. Only cash and cheque are accepted. Look forward to seeing you all at camp!

4.   The 2023 Joint Missions Convention will be held on July 28-30 at Evangelical Chinese Bible Church. Details are being shared on WhatsApp and our Facebook pages. Deadline for registration is July 1.

5.    Ps Monique's term as our Pastor of Children's Ministry will be concluding on June 30, 2023. She has been called by Capstan/Revive as their Pastor of English Youth Ministries, and will join Ps Joe there before the Fall. We are very grateful for her ministry among us for the last school year, and will always remember her and her family fondly. May God bless and use them as a team to serve God for His glory in their new church!

6.    April Offering Record - Please verify your offering record that has been posted on WhatsApp and contact Elder Alan Yu for any questions.

May EB Meeting Highlights:

  • Approved Pastor Ralph’s no-pay-leave from July 5-Aug 31.

  • Decided to pay for church members to get certified in First Aid and FoodSafe for serving in the church, up to two of each per year.

  • Decided against renting the entire basement for day care, but will explore other options for using the church facilities more fully during weekdays to fulfill God’s mission for us.


English Announcement - June 11, 2023


English Announcements - May 21, 2023