English Announcements - Feb 19, 2023
1. The devastating earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria have caused tens of thousands of lives since February 6, and countless injured and homeless. Please pray for the victims, the rescuers, and the recovery process. Please also give generously to help with the relief effort. To expedite financial aids reaching those in need, the Board of Elders recommend that you donate online to your favourite charity, including the Global Emergency Response Fund of the Alliance Canada:
For those who are unable to donate online and want to donate through the church, please put your clearly marked donations in the offering boxes on or before Feb 26, and the collected funds will be sent to the Alliance Canada's GERF.
2. We invite you to join Ps Ralph at the first FacDisc (Facilitated Discussion) which will take place @11-11:35am TODAY after Sunday service.
3. We are sad to announce the passing of Ps Karen’s father, brother King Wah Lau on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, February 25 at 10:30am at Richmond Funeral Home (address: 8420 Cambie Rd Richmond). While we grieve with the bereaved family, we take comfort that our beloved brother has entered his eternal rest in the presence of Jesus, his Lord and ours. Please continue to remember Ps Karen and her family in your prayers.
4. Baby Dedication - There will be a baby dedication ceremony during this Easter's Joint Service. Baby dedication is a ceremony that expresses the believing parents' commitment to raise their children in the way of the Lord. To apply or to find out more, please contact Ps Marcus.
5. Lent will begin this week on Ash Wednesday, Feb 22, and conclude on April 6. You are encouraged to consider some form of fasting during this period, either individually or with a group of friends!
6. The church office will be closed on Tuesday, Feb 21 in lieu of Family Day holiday.
7. Donation Receipts – 2022 donation receipts are ready for pick up at the back of the sanctuary. They are arranged in alphabetical order of your last name. For any questions, please contact Alan Yu.
8. January Offering Record - Please verify your offering record that has been posted on WhatsApp and contact Elder Alan Yu for any questions.