English Announcements - Apr 23, 2023
1. Welcome - A hearty welcome to our guest speaker Rev. Jason Cheung! Thank you, Ps Jason, for sharing God's Word with us today!
2. Please join us from 11:00-11:35 for this morning’s Facilitated Discussion led by Ps Ralph, where we will be starting a series about being healthy.
3. Mission:Deep Sea - Join us May 19th-21st for a fun-filled weekend as we explore how our faith grows deeper when we spend time with God, spend time with others, use our gifts to serve, and share our stories of faith! Register using the poster QR code or the registration link. Registration is confirmed upon payment. Please contact Ps Monique for any assistance or details.
Kids(Gr. 1 - Gr. 4) $10
Youth Sleepover (Gr. 5 - Gr.8) $15.
Payment via e transfer or cash, include the following note: MAY VBS FEE for (children's names)
4. Summer Camp 2023 will be held in-person at Summit Pacific College on July 7-9. This year’s theme is “God Cares about Your Work!” featuring Dr. Wilson Chan as our main speaker. Dr. Chan is an adjunct professor at Carey Theological College, Bakke Graduate University, ACTS Seminary, and Alliance Bible Seminary (Hong Kong), specializing in marketplace theology and spirituality. There is a registration fee of $175 for youths and adults, and $155 for children aged 3-10, only cash and cheque are accepted. Please take a registration form from the foyer, fill it out and hand it in to Eva by June 11. We encourage everyone to sign up early as there is an early-bird discount of $20 per person if you register before May 21. Look forward to seeing you all at camp!
5. Staff News – Jasmine will be out of office from April 24th to May 15th, and Hilda Cheung will be substituting her during the time that she will be away.
6. March Offering Record - Please verify your offering record that has been posted on WhatsApp and contact Elder Alan Yu for any questions.