English Announcement - July 2, 2023

1.     Rainbow Garden Video Presentation.

2.    Please join us from 11:00-11:35 for this morning’s Facilitated Discussion led by Ps Ralph, where we will be exploring ways to improve the helpfulness of our discussions.

3.    Kids' Ministry in the Summer: For the months of July and August, there will be no children’s program during the English Service. Children are invited to join the English Service. During the Cantonese Service, simplified children's programs will be provided subject to the availability of volunteers (pre-school to Gr. 4 in Children Sunday School, and Gr. 5-8 in youth group). If you can volunteer to help once a month during the Summer, please contact Ps Marcus.

4.   Please note that the church office will be closed on Tuesday, July 4, in lieu of Canada Day Holiday; and on Friday, July 7, for church Summer Camp.

5.    Please note that there will be no English Service and Children’s program next week, due to Summer Camp. If you are attending Summer Camp, please pick up an info sheet at the foyer after service.

6.    Beginning on July 1, Ps Marcus has switched from being ¾ time to full-time pastor, taking on the additional role of Interim Pastor of English Ministry.

7.    Today is Ps Ralph’s last Sunday as our Interim English Pastor. He will continue to serve as a regularly guest speaker in our English Service, and to lead the online men’s group moving forward, until circumstances change. We are grateful for his interim ministry in our church since mid-November last year, and his continual dedication to the Lord and His people here. His return with Karen to serve among us has been a blessing to people of all ages. May the Lord bless them, their family, and their work in the church and in the marketplace.

Highlights from the June EB meeting including the approval of the following

   i.   The proposal to replace one of the aging projectors with a big screen TV

  ii.   A clarified policy on pastoral staff employment benefits

iii.   The proposal to form a committee to develop a building assessment report

iv.   A Summer Camp subsidy policy


English Announcements - July 23, 2023


English Announcement - June 25, 2023