English Announcements - November 19, 2023
1. Welcome – A hearty welcome to our guest speaker Rev. Ralph Hardy. Thank you, Pastor Ralph for sharing God’s Word with us today.
2. Please come join us for refreshments after the Cantonese Service in the basement.
3. The Mandarin Small Group will be meeting today in classrooms 5&6 for a potluck lunch (12:30pm) and Alpha course (1:30pm). Please contact Ps Marcus if you are interested.
4. The 2024 church calendars are now available! Feel free to pick one up at the foyer before or after Sunday service. Please note that there is a limit of one calendar per family.
5. For those who are serving at the English Ministry (worship team members, chairpersons, ushers, audio visual team members, and the communion team) and have signed up for the upcoming appreciation lunch and meeting. Please join us after DOTS to celebrate next Sunday, Nov 26 with sharing, prayer and fellowship.
6. The Christmas Elders’ Retreat and Dinner with Staff & families will take place on Saturday, Nov 25 at the basement.
7. Newbern Safe Ministry Webinar – To promote a safe environment for worship, witness, and work free from sexual misconduct, we invited Elke Carlson, the Director of Safe Ministry from The Alliance Canada to present an educational webinar on Saturday, Dec 2 at 3-5pm. Cantonese interpretation will be provided.
8. October Offering Record - Please verify your offering record that has been posted on WhatsApp and contact Elder Alan Yu for any questions.