Saturday, August 21, 2021 - Evening Session
Start with this video! Then progress through the rest of the videos on this page according to the pace that your group is moving at.
References: Isaiah 40:25-31
Discussion Questions
Which of your characteristics do you normally rely on to keep connection with people? (eg. jokes, charm, compassion, generosity, gifts, etc.)
How do you recharge these attributes when you’re tired?
How and why have you compared God’s power to other things of this world?
How have comparisons affected your relationships? How has it hurt your contentment in Christ?
What are some physical, mental, and spiritual exercises that can help you focus on God?
Why is the topic of God’s greatness so important to our understanding and trust in him?
What areas of your life are you currently trusting in your own strength and sufficiency? How do you know?
Why do you think it’s so hard to surrender these areas to God’s strength and sufficiency?
What is God asking you to trust him with in this season of your life?
Prayer Time
Pray for those whose faith have been negatively affected by the harmful actions of people who are supposed to represent God and for our ability to reach them with Christ’s love
Pray for each other to be strengthened by God’s greatness in order to have courage to be ministers of reconciliation
Pray for churches to seek God’s will in living out his mission