English Announcements - October 22, 2023
1. Welcome – A hearty welcome to our guest speaker Rev. Ralph Hardy. Thank you, Pastor Ralph for sharing God’s Word with us today.
2. A total of $7530.25 of general fund offerings was collected from Oct 10-15, 2023, for the Global Care Sunday. The amount collected will be sent to the following organizations: World Vision Canada, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, World Relief Canada, Compassion Canada, The Alliance Canada: Global Emergency Response Fund.
3. Please come join us for refreshments after the Cantonese Service (12pm) at the church basement.
4. The 2024-2025 Elders Election – The finalized Elder candidates are Jessica Li, Kenny Kan and Roger Hiew, and a special members meeting will be held in the English Sanctuary next Sunday, Oct 29 at 12:15pm to elect the Elders.
5. September Offering Record - Please verify your offering record that has been posted on WhatsApp and contact Elder Alan Yu for any questions.