Newbern Alliance Church

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English Announcements - Mar 26, 2023

1.     2024-2025 Elders Election – The nominees for the Nominating Committee are Sheldon Tso, Gina Fung and Charles Cheng. Two among these three nominees will be elected at the AGM.

2.    Annual General Meeting 2023 – Our AGM this year will be held TODAY at the English Sanctuary at 1:30 pm. There will also be a lunch in the church basement prior to the AGM ($8/adult, $5/child, collected upon entry). Please pick up a copy of the 2022 Annual Report at the foyer after service, if you haven’t already.

3.    Please join us from 11:00-11:35 today for this morning’s Facilitated Discussion on the topic of expectations led by Ps Ralph.

4.   The Easter Joint Service will be held on April 9th at 11am in the English Sanctuary. Praise the Lord! Anbang Zhang has accepted Christ as his Lord and Saviour, and will be baptized during the Easter Joint Service. Please continue to pray for him and his walk with God.

5.    Membership News - Norman and Julie Chung are delighted to announce the arrival of their granddaughters Charlotte Beh and Faye Flaherty. Congratulations to them and let’s continue to pray for their families.

6.   February Offering Record - Please verify your offering record that has been posted on WhatsApp and contact Elder Alan Yu for any questions.


March EB Meeting Highlights:

a.      The church will end stage 5 of our pandemic reopening plan starting April 1, 2023, and replace it with a standing communicable disease prevention policy, to be published by then.

b.     The Board approved doing regulation on the grand piano in the English sanctuary at a budget of about $300.

c.      The Board will seek quotations for installing an automatic gate at the east gate of the parking lot and compare them against quotes for repair.