English Announcements - July 28, 2024
1. Newbern Academy is still offering 4 different courses from August to September. Promotion and registration have started. Please spread the word, volunteer, and pray for the students, instructors, and all those who are serving.
2. This summer, we are hosting a Kids Day Camp from August 9th-11th! The theme is Exploring Music Adventure with God. The camp is open for kids from kindergarten to grade 5 and the registration fee is $30 per person. Please scan the QR code on the poster to register, and contact Ps Michelle for any questions.
3. Lord's Love Church is hosting Vacation Bible School (VBS) with the theme "Breaker Rock Beach." Date: August 19th-23rd. Time: 9:30am - 3:00pm. It's going to be a fun and enriching week for kids with Bible lessons, activities, and more. For details and registration, please contact Ps Michelle.
4. We are accepting applications for baptism and membership transfer now. Classes will begin as early as Aug 4th. Please contact Ps Marcus or Ps Andy if you are interested.
5. This month’s SMC Cantonese Service will take place today, at 2pm. Please pray for the participants and the residents.
6. 2024 CCC Winter Conference will be happening on Dec 27th-31st at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel. Registrations will be open starting Aug 1st and the super early bird deadline is Aug 31st. Please visit their website for details: www.cccwc.ca.
7. June Offering Record - Please verify your offering record that has been posted on WhatsApp and contact Elder Roger Hiew for any questions.
July EB Meeting Highlights:
a. Approved a device-free classroom environment statement, to be communicated with everyone involved in Kids Ministry.
b. Approved to proceed with negotiating the rental contract with the Daycare Centre.
c. Approved to take a one-year break from summer camp in 2025.
d. Approved in principle opening our church as a cooling centre during extreme weather events, subject to the availability of volunteers and adequate planning and preparation.