Announcements - April 17, 2022
1. The District Gathering on April 23 will be postponed until there is a steady improvement with COVID-19 pandemic and where appropriate venues are available. Stay tuned for the updates and please contact Elder Kenny for further inquiry or suggestion.
2. Children Sunday School - We are excited to announce the resumption of Children Sunday school after a 2-year stoppage. Beginning on April 24th (next Sunday) from 9:30 to 12:30, there will be Children Sunday school for kids 5 to 12 years of age. Please register your kids with Sunny Tso by text or WhatsApp @ 604-805-0992. There will be the launch of a new ministry called "Rainbow Garden" next Sunday as well. So, we invite you all, and especially parents to bring your kids to attend the event at 12:30 at which time we will have drawing contest award ceremony, planting ceremony, and lunch available. Please register with Serena for lunch by today and contact Pastor Arthur for any other questions. Also, we have a new family from Hong Kong who need rides to church. They have three young children and live in Richmond. If you can help, please contact Pastor Arthur.
3. Summer Intern Position - Anyone between the age of 15-30 who is interested in applying for the summer intern position (mainly for the Summer Camp and children ministry) may contact Pastor Marcus or Pastor Joe for more details. Deadline for application is April 30.
4. Children Sports Camp - Plans are under way for our children sports camp from July 25-29. We are in touch with a number of churches to broaden our reach with this event. Please pray for the planning and stay tuned for more details in the next couple of months.