<a href="https://khaki-saxophone-6zwj.squarespace.com/en/announcements/english-announcements-august-20-2023">English Announcements - August 27, 2023</a>
1. Welcome – A hearty welcome to our guest speaker Pastor Brian Ho! Thank you, Ps Brian, for sharing God’s word with us today!
2. Mission Department Announcements:
· This month we are sending our financial support to Equip to Serve Christian Networks and Union Gospel Mission. Their updated profiles and prayer requests will be posted on WhatsApp and later on our website.
· The Mission Department has decided to cancel December’s STM trip to Panama. Our potential participants are already committed to various ministries and there are too many uncertainties in the planning. Meanwhile, we are looking for new opportunities to participate in local STM trips in 2024. Please pray for God’s guidance.
3. Installation Service for New Pastors: Ps Andy and Ps Michelle will be officially installed on Sept 24, during the English Service (9:30am). Reception will be held that day at 12:30pm. Please save the date. The English Ministry Committee will have a special dinner meeting at Pastor Marcus' home on Aug 27. Ps Andy will be present to begin connecting with the EMC members. Please pray that God will build up and use this team greatly!
4. Kids' Ministry: the summer arrangement will extend through September. Children and youths will continue to join the English Service. During the Cantonese Service, simplified children's programs will continue to be provided, subject to the availability of volunteers. New fall term programs will begin in October.
5. Newbern Academy will hold its celebration lunch and meeting on Sept 10 at 12:30-3:00. All current participants are those interested to participate in the future may sign up with Ps Marcus by next Sunday, Sept 3.
6. DOTS: Discussion on the Sermon will take place at 11:00 after the English Service, starting next Sunday, Sept 3. Please stay behind to talk through the implications of God’s words highlighted in the sermon, and to pray with and for each other. Let’s grow together in community.
7. July Offering Record - Please verify your offering record that has been posted on WhatsApp and contact Elder Alan Yu for any questions.